JULY 1, 2005 – JUNE 30, 2006




The Cambridge Counseling Center, Inc. is a private corporation, certified by the Ohio Department of Mental Health.  We offer professional mental health services to individuals, families, and children within our catchments area.  It is our goal to promote a mutually beneficial interaction between individuals served and our community to promote the quality of life for everyone through the highest standards of professional care



The following priorities have been established: Cambridge Counseling Center will give priority to adults and children with mental illnesses and emotional disturbances and will fulfill its regulatory mandates. We will work cooperatively with other agencies, both public and private, to assure continuity of services based on the needs of the individual.



The Cambridge Counseling Center’s vision is to identify and respond to the changing needs of the community by:



We believe every PERSON is unique and should be treated with compassion, dignity and respect.


We believe the most effective CARE is accessible, culturally sensitive, individualized, supportive of families and focuses on the recovery of the person as a whole.


We believe each STAFF member is an integral part of the Center and should be: highly skilled, compensated fairly; rewarded for initiative; and supportive of one another.


We believe our SUCCESS is based on: our shared goals and commitment; our versatility and flexibility; the high expectations we have of ourselves; our openness to new ideas; our comprehensive, cost-effective service system.


We believe in promoting COMMUNITY support for persons with mental illness, advocating for resources to enhance recovery and partnering in efforts to create a healthy community.



Respect for the Individual - We believe that the people we serve have the right to personal dignity, respect and the highest possible degree of independence. We are committed to services that promote the individual's quality of life, focus on the individual's strengths, foster independence, and honor the rights, wishes and needs of the individual.


Support for Local Care - We believe that people are best served within their home community. We are committed to the availability of a full and flexible range of coordinated services with the community as the primary focus of care, and services that appropriately meet the needs of the individual in the most normal environment possible.


Professionalism and Commitment to Quality - We believe that we should encourage and reward excellence. We will create a work environment that inspires and promotes innovation and creativity, supports education and research, and continually seeks more efficient and effective ways to provide clinical and administrative services. We are committed to a skilled and ethical work force, culturally competent and dedicated to the highest standards of courtesy, understanding and respect. We will be an agency worthy of the highest level of public trust.



The mission of this organization was the foundation for the creation of the Center in 2001.  This plan was developed from input solicited from the Executive Committee, Center staff, consumers and the community. Reflective of the commitment to excellence and quality improvement, staff support this plan as a guide for quality improvement activity and projects for the upcoming years.



Cambridge Counseling Center serves residents of Guernsey County as well as surrounding counties.  The program’s services are rendered to the client without limitation or discrimination based on race, color, age, religion, gender, disability, sexual orientation, national origin, prior treatment, criminal record or ability to pay for services.  Every effort is made to make accommodations for those clients with special needs. Internal accommodations or a referral to an external agency or organization are mechanisms to serve persons with special needs. The organization’s policy and procedures define mechanisms to assure access to treatment for persons with special needs. In addition to the above, fostering and maintaining cultural competency is a priority.




Center staff (including the governance authority) represents the cultural community they serve, and to the extent possible, the composition of both is consistent with that of the community. The following chart depicts diversity aspects of the community, governance authority and staff:



County Population      Center Population     Staff Population

Black               1.5%                            4.23%                          0%

White               96.3%                          95.4%                     100%

Other                2.2%                            0.37%                          0%




County Population     Center Population     Staff Population

Male                                   48.6%                          39.7%                          30%

Female                                    51.4%                          60.3%                          70%








JULY 1, 2005 – JUNE 30, 2006































JULY 1, 2005 – JUNE 30, 2006





























Next year Cambridge Counseling Center will collect service units by program and then add for totals.




(FISCAL YEAR 2005/2006)





























Cambridge Counseling Center will compare all data in next year’s management report and compare Fiscal Years (FY 2005/2006 vs. FY 2006/2007) to monitor and improves business functions.




Staff is generally comprised of L.I.S.W.’s, L.S.W.’s, S.W.A.’s, and in some components, bachelor level staff. This clinical team along with the client, and family when appropriate, consider an array of information to identify needs, formulate goals and specify interventions to address goals. The result is an individualized treatment plan that guides the nature, frequency, duration and content of services. The team discusses changes throughout the course of treatment and monitors progress toward goals and program discharge.


This collaborative process enables the client and family to access the range of services in the Center and community.  Staff are credentialed and privileged to provide service to adults, children, adolescents and their families.



Cambridge Counseling Center provides services to the citizens of Guernsey and surrounding counties.  We offer community-based services to people of all ages who are experiencing emotional problems or mental illnesses. Services available at Cambridge Counseling Center include:



Children and Family Services - Individual, group and family therapies are offered for children experiencing emotional and behavioral problems and mental illness. Emphasis is placed on family participation in treatment and collaboration with the school and community agencies when indicated.


Adult Services are available to address the complex needs of persons with mental illnesses, psychiatrically disabled people; including case management, individual, group and family therapies.




Staff at the Cambridge Counseling Center is committed to creating an environment promoting quality improvement. Quality improvement activities during 2005/2006 focused on the following:

Improving Quality of Life Score of persons served. Our system of care is client focused and it is our goal to assist our consumer in enhancing their quality of life.  Demonstrating both high quality outcomes and an effective process for ongoing improvement will allow the Center to be a more attractive provider to the community.


Promote a positive interaction with consumers to improve daily functioning. Cambridge Counseling Center is committed to delivering positive interactions with consumers in the most effective manner.


Creating Consumer activities to nurture staff/stakeholder relationship.  The staff recognizes the importance of a beneficial relationship with each other and Cambridge Counseling Center stakeholders.  This objective will increase the quality of service among all components of our service system.



The following highlights Quality Assessment and Improvement Activity throughout 2005/2006:

160 of all clinical records were reviewed for completeness and quality of care.  Programs have peer review at staff supervision as well as a Center audit team that meets monthly. Medical records are reviewed to assure completeness and that quality of care standards have been met.


The Risk Management Team, Quality Improvement Team and the Executive Team reviewed all Critical Incidents.   All incident types reviewed involved mandatory reporting.


8 professional staff members were verified as credentialed - part of the Quality Assessment and Improvement Program is assuring that credentialed and well-qualified professionals who have demonstrated proficiency in their field of practice perform services. All staff credentials were reviewed this fiscal year.





Data was collected throughout the year in the areas of effectiveness, efficiency, client satisfaction and access. Outcome data provided clinicians with concrete information on the clients’ level of functioning and symptoms. This information was used to identify needs, goals and treatment plans. The outcome data documented if clients were getting better and reaching their goals. This tool was utilized by Center staff to determine the clients’ satisfaction with Center services. Post discharge follow-up was offered as part of our services. Clients received a telephone call within 30 to 60 days from discharge. See chart on next page




(See Attachment A – The GRID)





Cambridge Counseling Center provides a broad range of mental health services to adolescents, adults, couples, and families who have experienced stress and conflict in their lives. The staff have expertise in helping people with problems including mood disorders, relationship and family issues, job stress, and many other life crises and transitions.  Each program’s choice of service modality is based on field-recognized and accepted practices where the evidence and research are sound.  All services are designed and implemented to support the recovery or well-being of the persons or families served.  To enhance the quality of life of the person served by reducing symptoms or needs and building resilience.  It is one of our goals to restore and/or improve consumers functioning and to support the integration or the persons served into the community.


Cambridge Counseling Center, Inc. will provide the following services to the community:

1.       Assessment and Referral: Mental Health (Adults)

2.       Assessment and Referral: Mental Health (Children and Adolescents)

3.       Case Management/Services Coordination (Adults)

4.       Case Management/Services Coordination (Children and Adolescents)

5.       Outpatient Treatment: Mental Health (Adults)

6.       Outpatient Treatment: Mental Health  (Children and Adolescents)



The purpose of the Cambridge Counseling Center is to offer Mental Health Assessment, Mental Health Outpatient Treatment and Case Management services to all persons within our catchment’s area.


Assessment and Referral: Mental Health (Adults)


Philosophy of the Program

The Cambridge Counseling Center’s philosophy of care stresses strength-based, family- and community-centered treatment. Care decisions are team-based and emphasize family and patient participation. At the Cambridge Counseling Center, Inc., all patients are treated with dignity, confidentiality and respect.


The purpose of the Cambridge Counseling Center, Inc in regards to Mental Health Assessment it to make available quality services that meet both the emotional and behavioral needs of persons and their families within our catchment’s area.


An initial Mental Health Assessment will be completed prior to the initiation of any mental health services with the only exceptions occurring if the client is in need of crisis intervention services as the least restrictive alternative in an emergency situation.


Description of the Program

Mental Health Assessment will take place in the form of a clinical evaluation and will be provided by an eligible individual at either specified times or in response to treatment.  It may also occur when significant changes occur. 



The Mental Health Assessment is a process of gathering information to assess the individual client’s needs and functioning in order to determine the appropriate service and or treatment based on the identification of the presenting problem, evaluation of mental status and formulation of diagnostic impression.


The initial Mental Health Assessment will include, but not be limited to, the following:

1.       An age appropriate psychosocial history and assessment which includes consideration of multi-cultural and ethnic influences;

2.       The presenting problem;

3.       A diagnostic impression and treatment recommendation;


Other clinical areas will be included in the initial Mental Health Assessment.  These areas include, but are not limited to, the following:

a.       Age appropriate areas of assessment such as for children, e.g., growth and development, family effect on child and child effect on family, and play and daily activities

b.       Use of alcohol/drugs

c.       Behavioral, Cognitive, Emotional Functioning

d.       Mental Status Exam

e.       Environment and Home

f.          Leisure and Recreation

g.       Childhood History

h.       Military service history

i.          Financial status

j.          Usual social, peer-group and environmental setting

k.       Sexual orientation/history/issues

l.          Family circumstances/custody status

m.     Vocational assessment

n.       Educational assessment

o.       Legal assessment

p.       Early detection of mental illness that is life threatening to self or others

q.       Nutritional status

r.        Maladaptive or problem behaviors

s.       Psychiatric evaluation

t.        Psychological assessment including intellectual, projective, neuropsychological and personality testing

u.       Evaluations of language, self-care, visual, motor and cognitive functioning

v.        Current level of functioning

w.      Strengths

x.       Relationships with family/significant other

y.       Spirituality

z.       Health/medical history

aa.   Indications of abuse or neglect


Program Goals

The outcome of the Mental Health Assessment is to determine the need for care and to recommend appropriate services and treatment and/or to recommend the need for further assessment.  The results of the Mental Health Assessment will be shared with the client


Mental Health Assessments from prior evaluations may be accepted.  If so, the clinical record will reflect that such assessments have been reviewed and updated when appropriate, prior to the initiation of any mental health services.


Mental Health Assessments will be scheduled between the hours or 9:00 a.m. thru 8:00 p.m., Monday and Tuesday and 9:00 a.m. thru 4:00 p.m., Wednesday and Thursday.  These assessments may be scheduled at other times to accommodate the individual’s needs.


Appointments can be made by walking in to the Counseling Center or contacting the counseling Center by phone and scheduling an appointment by phone with the receptionist:

317 Highland Ave., Cambridge, OH 43725 (740) 435-9766

Intake Specialist: Elizabeth W. Coughenour, M.S.W., and L.I.S.W.


The matrix provided by the Ohio Department of Mental Health will determine individuals who are eligible to perform and supervise the Mental Health Assessment service.  All licensed, certified or registered individuals will comply with current, applicable scope of practice and supervisory requirements identified by appropriate licensing, certifying or registering bodies. 


Cambridge Counseling Center ensures that any Mental Health Assessment services for persons with a hearing impairment, a communication disorder or that speaks another language (besides English), as a primary means of communication will be performed by an interpreter or a person proficient in American Sign Language.


Mental Health Assessment Policies and Procedures


A.  Cambridge Counseling will have policies and procedures, as applicable, for the Mental Health Assessment process according to rule 5122-29-04 of the administrative code, which are as follows:


1.            Staff Members will be qualified to perform Mental Health Assessment according to rule 5122-23-03 of the Administrative Code.


2.            Cambridge Counseling Center, Inc. will follow the guidelines of the matrix provided by the Ohio Department of Mental Health to guarantee the qualifications of staff members.  Currently, the Cambridge Counseling Center, Inc. has at three LISW’s and two LSW’s on staff.   These individuals will be able to provide services in all of the above areas.  The LISW will supervise the LSW’s in regards to all services provided.  According to licensure requirements for supervision, The LISW on staff with the Cambridge Counseling Center can supervise any LSW, LPC or PC on staff at the Cambridge Counseling Center, Inc. in the areas of services provided (Assessment and Referral: Mental Health, Case Management/Services Coordination: Mental Health, Outpatient Treatment: Mental Health)


3.            Prior to the Mental Health Assessment, the client will be made aware of his or her rights, orally and in writing and his or her right to refuse to answer individual questions.  They will be informed of the client's rights officer, the client grievance procedure at this time as well as the other information given during the orientation session.



Assessment and Referral: (Children and Adolescents)

The philosophy, description, program goals, and policies and procedures for the Children and Adolescents Assessment and Referral Service coincide with the Adult Assessment and Referral Services.  The exception being a parent or guardian are always actively involved.  The level of services we provide is based on the needs of the child and family. The child and family must be informed and willing to actively participate in the service being offered.

Parents or guardians call Cambridge Counseling Center’s admissions office (740-435-9766) to schedule an appointment for the child with a clinician for an initial evaluation & intake.

To determine how we can best serve each child, our assessment also considers the child’s:

In emergent circumstances, the Cambridge Counseling Center’s Clinical Supervisor consults with Children’s Program staff to determine if an immediate clinical intervention is required. If the situation meets this level of need, a Clinician refers the person for immediate evaluation.

Where urgent but non-emergent need exists the case is referred to Outpatient Treatment or Case Management Services to be seen on an “as-soon-as-possible” basis.

Outpatient Treatment: Mental Health (Adults)


The Ohio Department of Mental Health’s definition of Mental Health Outpatient Treatment is interaction with a person served in which the focus is on treatment of the person’s mental illness or emotional disturbance.  When the person served is a child or adolescent, the interaction may also be with family members and/or parent, guardian and significant others when the intended outcome is improved functioning of the child or adolescent and when such interventions are part of the I.S.P.


The purpose of the Cambridge Counseling Center, Inc. in regards to outpatient Mental Health Outpatient Treatment is to provide interaction with the persons served that focuses on treatment of the Individuals’ mental illness or emotional disturbance.  When the person served is a child or adolescent, the face-to-face interaction may also be with family members and/or parent, guardian and significant others when the intended outcome is to improve functioning of the child or adolescent and when such interventions are part of the ISP.


The goals of the Cambridge Counseling Center are as follows:

1.       Providing Mental Health Outpatient Treatment which consists of a series of time-limited, structured sessions that work towards the attainment of mutually defined goals as identified in the individualized service plan

2.       To provide Mental Health Outpatient Treatment in a way that ensures privacy whether in the agency or in the natural environment of the persons served

3.       To ensure timely collateral contacts with family members, parents of guardians and/or other agencies and/or providers providing services to a child or adolescent

4.       To hire qualified individuals to provide Mental Health Outpatient Treatment according to the matrix provided by the Ohio Department of Mental Health


Therapy will be provided in a variety of formats.  These formats will include individual, family and group counseling.  As a structured service, individual counseling probes more deeply into feelings, needs and causes.  Mental Health Outpatient Treatment consists of a series of time limited, structured sessions.   Sessions are scheduled in order to introduce the subjects of deep concern to the client and to work systematically toward long-term change.  These goals are identified and contained in the individuals ISP (Individualized Service Plan).  The counseling process itself is concerned with the gradual development of self-awareness and judgment; adoption of positive attitudes and values; management of anxiety, anger, and frustration; acquisition of problem-solving and human relationship skills; and other lasting character logical changes.  Furthermore, It is the policy of this agency that no individual will be denied any service based on sex, race, religion, color, history of origin, creed or handicapping condition.  Additionally, no one will be denied based on the inability to pay for such services.


Individual counseling of clients and their families will be a major tool in all of our treatment programs.  This counseling will be provided by our clinical staff at scheduled times in a private setting, either in or out of an office situation and may include the following therapy types: Individual, Family, and/or Group.  Cambridge Counseling Center, Inc.’s hours of operation will be Monday and Tuesday from 9:00 am to 8:00 pm and Wednesday and Thursday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm as a convenience to the families involved.  It is our intent to provide the maximum convenience of scheduling to our clients and their families.  If for some reason, a family or individual is unable to attend counseling sessions during a normal workweek, Cambridge Counseling Center, Inc. will schedule a meeting time with the least interference to all parties involved.


Mental Health Outpatient Treatment will only be provided and supervised by those individuals eligible according to the rules provided by the Ohio Department Of Mental Health.   Licensed, certified or registered individuals employed by the Cambridge Counseling Center, Inc. will comply with current, applicable scope of practice and supervisory requirements identified by appropriate licensing, certifying or registering bodies.


Mental Health Outpatient Treatment consists of a series of time limited, structured sessions.  Sessions are scheduled in order to introduce the subjects of deep concern to the client and to work systematically toward long-term change.  These goals are identified and contained in the individuals ISP (Individualized Service Plan).  The counseling process itself is concerned with the gradual development of self-awareness and judgment; adoption of positive attitudes and values; management of anxiety, anger, and frustration; acquisition of problem-solving and human relationship skills; and other lasting character logical changes.  Furthermore, It is the policy of this agency that no individual will be denied any service based on sex, race, religion, color, history of origin, creed or handicapping condition.  Additionally, no one will be denied based on the inability to pay for such services.


Outpatient Treatment: Mental Health (Children and Adolescents)


The Ohio Department of Mental Health’s definition of Mental Health Outpatient Treatment is interaction with a person served in which the focus is on treatment of the person’s mental illness or emotional disturbance.  When the person served is a child or adolescent, the interaction may also be with family members and/or parent, guardian and significant others when the intended outcome is improved functioning of the child or adolescent and when such interventions are part of the I.S.P.


The purpose of the Cambridge Counseling Center, Inc. in regards to outpatient Mental Health Outpatient Treatment is to provide interaction with the persons served that focuses on treatment of the Individuals’ mental illness or emotional disturbance.  When the person served is a child or adolescent, the face-to-face interaction may also be with family members and/or parent, guardian and significant others when the intended outcome is to improve functioning of the child or adolescent and when such interventions are part of the ISP.


The goals of the Cambridge Counseling Center are as follows:


1.       Providing Mental Health Outpatient Treatment that consists of a series of time-limited, structured sessions that work towards the attainment of mutually defined goals as identified in the individualized service plan.

2.       To provide Mental Health Outpatient Treatment in a way that ensures privacy whether in the agency or in the natural environment of the persons served.

3.       To ensure timely collateral contacts with family members, parents of guardians and/or other agencies and/or providers providing services to a child or adolescent.

4.       To hire qualified individuals to provide Mental Health Outpatient Treatment according to the matrix provided by the Ohio Department of Mental Health


Therapy will be provided in a variety of formats.  These formats will include individual, family and group counseling.  As a structured service, individual counseling probes more deeply into feelings, needs and causes.  Mental Health Outpatient Treatment consists of a series of time limited, structured sessions.   Sessions are scheduled in order to introduce the subjects of deep concern to the client and to work systematically toward long-term change.  These goals are identified and contained in the individuals ISP (Individualized Service Plan).  The counseling process itself is concerned with the gradual development of self-awareness and judgment; adoption of positive attitudes and values; management of anxiety, anger, and frustration; acquisition of problem-solving and human relationship skills; and other lasting character logical changes.  Furthermore, It is the policy of this agency that no individual will be denied any service based on sex, race, religion, color, history of origin, creed or handicapping condition.  Additionally, no one will be denied based on the inability to pay for such services.


Individual counseling of clients and their families will be a major tool in all of our treatment programs.  This counseling will be provided by our clinical staff at scheduled times in a private setting, either in or out of an office situation and may include the following therapy types: Individual, Family, and/or Group.  Cambridge Counseling Center, Inc.’s hours of operation will be Monday and Tuesday from 9:00 am to 8:00 pm and Wednesday and Thursday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm as a convenience to the families involved.  It is our intent to provide the maximum convenience of scheduling to our clients and their families.  If for some reason, a family or individual is unable to attend counseling sessions during a normal workweek, Cambridge Counseling Center, Inc. will schedule a meeting time with the least interference to all parties involved.


Mental Health Outpatient Treatment will only be provided and supervised by those individuals eligible according to the rules provided by the Ohio Department Of Mental Health.   Licensed, certified or registered individuals employed by the Cambridge Counseling Center, Inc. will comply with current, applicable scope of practice and supervisory requirements identified by appropriate licensing, certifying or registering bodies.


Mental Health Outpatient Treatment consists of a series of time limited, structured sessions.  Sessions are scheduled in order to introduce the subjects of deep concern to the client and to work systematically toward long-term change.  These goals are identified and contained in the individuals ISP (Individualized Service Plan).  The counseling process itself is concerned with the gradual development of self-awareness and judgment; adoption of positive attitudes and values; management of anxiety, anger, and frustration; acquisition of problem-solving and human relationship skills; and other lasting character logical changes.  Furthermore, It is the policy of this agency that no individual will be denied any service based on sex, race, religion, color, history of origin, creed or handicapping condition.  Additionally, no one will be denied based on the inability to pay for such services.

Our Philosophy is Family Centered and Comprehensive.  The Cambridge Counseling Centers Children and Adolescent Outpatient Treatment Program’s mission is to provide quality, comprehensive, family centered, and community-based behavioral health services to children and families. We work actively to develop an individualized and comprehensive system of care for the child & family. We believe that building collaborations and partnerships with families & community resources are critically important to attaining this goal.

We believe that children are best served with access to high quality and comprehensive behavioral health services within the family and community environment.

Treatment plans are based on a comprehensive biopsychosocial assessment that considers the needs of the child and the family.

Parent/guardian participation, involvement, and investment in the assessment, planning, delivery and review processes are necessary for optimal success.

Resources and services provided by Cambridge Counseling Center are part of a continuum of care for children. Effective treatment requires collaboration and coordination.  Services are flexible and creative.

Admission Criteria

We serve children and adolescents under the age of 18 with behavioral or emotional difficulties who live in our catchment’s area. Youth between the ages of 18 and 21 may continue in the program rather than transfer to an adult program under certain circumstances, e.g., continuing high school or other placements.


Outpatient Services

The outpatient team includes clinical social workers and mental health counselors. Outpatient clinicians provide assessment, therapy (individual, group and family), and case management services.


Outpatient clinicians play an important role in the Cambridge Counseling Center’s team approach to the treatment of children with Severe Emotional Difficulties both through direct interventions with the child and family and through consultation and collaboration with the other staff members involved in providing services.


Case Management/Services Coordination: Mental Health (Adults)


Cambridge Counseling Center, Inc. strives to meet the challenges of integrating patients into society through community-based care. The Goal of the Cambridge Counseling Center, Inc. in regards to Mental Health Case Management/Services Coordination is to provide services delivered by qualified individuals that address the individualized mental health needs of the person served.  They will be directed towards adults, children, adolescents and families and will vary with respect to hours, type and intensity of services, depending on the changing needs of each individual.


The Cambridge Counseling Center, Inc. Mental Health Case Management/Services Coordination services will be focused on each individual served and their ability to succeed in the community, to identify and access needed services and to show improvement in school, work and family.  The Mental Health Case Management/Services Coordination service will provide specific, measurable and individualized services to each person served.


The Activities of the Mental Health Case Management/Services Coordination service shall consist of one or more of the following:


1.       Ongoing assessment of needs;

2.       Assistance in achieving personal independence in managing basic needs as identified by the individual and/or parent or guardian;

3.       Facilitation of further development of daily living skills, if identified by the individual and/or parent or guardian

4.       Coordination of the ISP, including:

a.       Services identified in the ISP;

b.       Assistance with accessing natural support systems in the community;

c.       Linkages to formal community services/systems;

5.       Symptom monitoring;

6.       Coordination and/or assistance in crisis management and stabilization as needed;

7.       Advocacy and outreach;

8.       As appropriate to the care provided to individuals, and when appropriate, to the family, education and training specific to the individuals assessed needs, abilities and readiness to learn.

9.       Mental health interventions that address symptoms, behaviors, thought process, etc., that assist an individual in eliminating barriers to seeking or maintaining education and employment;

10.   Activities that increase the individual’s capacity to positively impact his/her own environment.


The methods of service delivery of the Mental Health Case Management/Services Coordination service will consist of:

1.       Service delivery to the person serves and or any other individual who will assist in the persons mental health treatment

a.       Service delivery may be face-to-face, by telephone, and/or by video conferencing

b.       Service delivery may be to individuals or groups

2.       Mental Health Case Management/Services Coordination services are not site specific.  However, they will be provided in locations that meet the needs of the persons served.


The Cambridge Counseling Center, Inc. will have staff that is clearly responsible for case coordination.  This person will delegate Mental Health Case Management/Services Coordination services to eligible providers internal and/or external to the certified agency and will meet the following requirements:

1.       All delegated Mental Health Case Management/Services Coordination activities will be consistent with this rule in its entirety;

2.       The delegated Mental Health Case Management/Services Coordination will be provided by the Cambridge Counseling Center, Inc.


The providers of the Mental Health Case Management/Services Coordination will have a staff development plan.  Evidence that the plan is being followed will be maintained.  The plan will address the following:

1.       An understanding of systems of care, such as natural support systems, entitlements and benefits, inter-agency systems of care, crisis response systems and their purpose and the intent and activities of Mental Health Case Management/Services Coordination.

2.       Characteristics of the population to be served, such as psychiatric symptoms, medications, culture, and age/gender development

3.       Knowledge of Mental Health Case Management/Services Coordination purpose, intent and activities.


Only those individuals who are eligible to provide and supervise the Mental Health Case Management/Services Coordination service will be used.  These licensed, certified or registered individuals will comply with current, applicable scope of practice and supervisory requirements identified by appropriate licensing, certifying or registering bodies.

1.       To provide the Mental Health Case Management/Services Coordination service the Cambridge Counseling Center, Inc. will utilize one or more of the following individuals:

a.       Social Worker Assistant;

b.       Social Worker;

c.       Independent Social Worker;

d.       Counselor Trainee;

e.       Professional Counselor;

f.          Professional Clinical Counselor; or

g.       Trained Other.

2.       To supervise the Mental Health Case Management/Services Coordination service the Cambridge Counseling Center, Inc. will utilize one or more of the following individuals:

a.       Social Worker

b.       Independent Social Worker

c.       Professional Counselor

d.       Professional Clinical Counselor



Case Management/Services Coordination: Mental Health (Children and Adolescents)

Case Management works with children and families who need immediate and intensive interventions to remain at home or to transition more quickly back into the community. The primary goal of this program is to maintain children in their communities and their homes, thereby reducing hospital stays and residential placement.

The Case Manager meets with the family as frequently as needed to provide immediate in-home management.

This program provides case management services to families with children with severe emotional disturbance and parents with severe and persistent mental illness.

Case Management also serves adolescents who want assistance in transitioning to the responsibilities of adulthood. We help them complete high school, obtain and maintain competitive employment, enroll in post secondary education as appropriate and get involved in positive community activities. We work to identify and connect these clients with mentors, either in the work place or in their neighborhood.

The Case Manager is prepared to teach age-appropriate life skills. If it is determined that a client will need ongoing adult mental health services, he or she will be aided in their transition to Cambridge Counseling Center’s Adult Programs.

Affiliations With Other Service Providers

If services are to be provided through affiliations with other agencies, a list of specific responsibilities of each agency involved will be completed.


The Cambridge Counseling Center, Inc. currently has an affiliation agreement with Dr. Roth, M.D. She will provide Medical assessments and prescription medications, if needed, to individuals served by the Cambridge Counseling Center, Inc.


Cambridge Counseling Center, Inc. does not plan on providing crisis intervention at this time.  As a result, the Cambridge Counseling Center, Inc. has an answering machine that will be on 24 hours a day, 7 days a week that instructs clients or possible clients of our hours and days of operation and directs them to call the Six County Crisis Hotline or 911 if it is an emergency.




Cambridge Counseling Center, Inc.’s Program Service Plan will be available for review by the persons served, their family, significant others and the public.  The Executive Committee will revise and update the service plan, as appropriate.  The executive committee will also prepare amendments to the plan, if necessary, based on the results of service evaluation activities, quality assurance reports or other internal evaluation programs.




Accessibility, Availability, Appropriateness, and Acceptability of Services


A.  Cambridge Counseling Center, Inc. services will be accessible, available, appropriate, and acceptable to the persons served.


B.         Cambridge Counseling Center, Inc. will abide by the criteria for accessibility of services which will include but not be limited to:

a.        Providing evening and or weekend hours by appointment to meet the needs of persons receiving services who cannot meet during regular business hours.

b.        Remaining in compliance with relevant federal and State Regulations, including “section 504” of the “Rehabilitation Act of 1973”

c.        Providing geographical access to services for persons served.


C.         Cambridge Counseling Center, Inc. will meet the criteria for availability of services which will include but not be limited to:

a.        Providing availability of all services provided and under contract or sub-contract with the community mental health executive committee for persons served regardless of ability to pay for such services.


b.        Coordinating discharge planning and mental health services for persons leaving state operated inpatient settings and participating in discharge planning for persons leaving private psychiatric inpatient settings and referred to the agency.



c.        Assuring continuity of care for individuals discharged from the psychiatric inpatient settings and referred to Cambridge Counseling Center, Inc. through the provision of necessary services as determined by Cambridge Counseling Center, Inc. in consultation with the individual and the referral source.  These necessary services will be provided upon discharge whenever possible and no later than two weeks post discharge if it has been concluded that these services are required.


d.        Make available assistance, as appropriate and needed, at no additional cost to persons served, to persons requesting or receiving services, and their families or significant others, who speak a language other than standard English as a primary means of communication, or who have a communication disorder, such as deafness or hearing impairment.  Such assistance will include:

                                                   i.      The availability of appropriate communication devices, including telecommunication devices for the deaf (“TDD”), According to 29 U.S.C. 794 CFR PART 84 ET SEQ.

                                                 ii.      Interpreters fluent in the first vernacular language of the person served, and with demonstrated ability and/or certification.

                                                iii.      Services provided by a professional who is able to communicate in the same vernacular language as the person served.

                                                iv.      Referral to a service that provides interpreters.


e.        Providing culturally sensitive and responsive treatment planning and service delivery


f.          Addressing the mental health service needs of the community as described in the community plan of the community mental health executive committee


D.         Cambridge Counseling Center, Inc. will meet the criteria for acceptability of services which include, but are not limited to:

a.        Sensitivity to ethnic and cultural differences among people

b.        Promoting freedom of choice among therapeutic alternatives for the person receiving services

c.        Having a provision that no person served will be denied access to any service based on their refusal to accept other services recommended by the agency


E.         Cambridge Counseling Center, Inc. will meet the criteria for appropriateness of services which include, but are not limited to:

a.        Providing services in the least restrictive setting

b.        Delivering services in the natural environment of the person receiving services when appropriate

c.        Providing a continuity of therapeutic relationships

d.        Perceiving the needs of the persons receiving services

e.        Providing culturological assessment


F.         Cambridge Counseling Center, Inc. will meet the minimum criteria for appropriateness of services for persons served with a severe mental disability or children with severe emotional disturbance.  This will include assessment of needs and advocacy with other systems or organizations to meet those needs if Cambridge Counseling Center, Inc. does not provide these services.   Such needs and advocacy include, but are not limited to:

a.        Mental Health Service Needs

b.        Housing

c.        Employment and/or Educational Status

d.        Health

e.        Income

f.          Recreation

g.        Cultural Characteristics

h.        Spiritual Needs

i.          Family


G.        The executive committee will review the effectiveness of the Cambridge Counseling Center, Inc.’s efforts to ensure accessibility, availability, appropriateness and acceptability of services.  The annual review will be incorporated in service evaluation and quality assurance activities.




As part of our strategic planning process, leadership staff will review the Management Report as the foundation for the development of the new Strategic Plan. Participation and input will be encouraged and solicited from the community, clients and staff. Reflective of the commitment to ongoing organizational performance improvement, the triennial strategic plan will be the foundation and catalyst for quality improvement activity and projects as we strive to better meet the mental health needs of the citizens of Guernsey and Surrounding Counties.


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